Get Ready
Remember, what your child gains from school activities depends largely on the skills they have previously acquired from their first teacher--you the parent. The home provides an excellent environment for nurturing your child's skills and providing opportunities for growth and experiences that will help your child be more successful at school and life in general. The following contain a variety of suggestions for activities that can be done at home to help prepare your child for kindergarten. These activities are divided into some general areas that will be taught in school. Contained also are some general hints for you and your child as you prepare for what is hopefully a fantastic start to an exciting and successful education career with Russia School!
In Kindergarten Your Child Will be Learning To:
Work alone and with others,
Share and take turns,
Explore and expand abilities and interests,
Express thoughts and ideas,
Listen to Others
There will be Activities Designed To:
Build self confidence and social skills,
Be creative and expressive,
Develop vocabulary,
Show differences and similarities in sounds, sizes, shapes, and colors,
Increase interest in books, numbers, and people,
Improve new ideas.... and much more!