School Lunch Information
Prices: Grades K-6: $2.25 Grades 7-12: $2.50 Adults: $3.50
Prepayment: Payments must be made ahead of time using cash or check with a deposit slip (on school website) and turned into the school cafeteria, or you can use our online payment system (details below). No payments are accepted in the lunch line.
Charge Limits: Reminders are sent home when balances are below $5. Up to $5 may be charged. After that a peanut butter sandwich will be served at the full lunch price until the balance is made current.
A'la Carte Restrictions: Send a note with your deposit slip or call the school if you want to restrict your student’s a'la carte items.
PaySchools Central
We have chosen PaySchools as our lunch program platform. You can pay for your children’s school lunches, complete free/reduced applications, find reporting, and more online.
Here are instructions to setup your account:
Create your account using your computer or tablet at:
If you want to use your phone, download the PaySchools Central app on the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Complete account registration by selecting register, entering your profile details, setting up your password via the email link we’ll send you, then logging in.
Add your children to your account using their student ID numbers.
If you would like, enter credit card and/or banking information as forms of payment to use with your PaySchools account, or simply plan to use guest checkout.
Manage school payments with ease!
Online Transactions:
Food Service Transaction Fees
-- Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions less than $25): $1.65 per transaction
-- Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions $25 to $49.99): $2.00 per transaction
-- Credit/Debit Cards (Transactions greater than $49.99): 4.50%
-- Electronic Check (All transaction amounts): $1.75 per transaction
Payments can also be sent to school using the deposit slip and applied to your child’s account at no charge.