Superintendent Steve Rose
School Year Hired
High School
St. Henry High School
Wright State University
Ashland University
Bowling Green State University
BS in Elementary Education
MS in Educational Administration
Coursework for Principal &
Superintendents Licensure
E-mail address
Principal Janel Slonkosky
School Year Hired
High School
Russia High School
Wright State University
MA in Middle Childhood Education
MA in Educational Leadership
E-mail address
Contact Us
Front Office
Gina Monnin; Assistant to the Superintendent
E-mail address
Maddie Beaver; Assistant to the Principal
E-mail address
Driving Directions
From Dayton
Take I-75 North from Dayton
Take Exit 74 Covington-Troy (This is State Route 41)
Stay on this road for 9 miles to Covington, Ohio
Turn right on State Route 48 (north)
Drive 8 miles North to Russia-Versailles Road
Turn left. Stay on this road for 3 miles.
Russia School is on the left, directly behind the church in the center of town.
From Toledo
Take I-75 South to Exit 92 Towards Sidney/Versailles
Turn right on on to State Route 47 west
Stay on State Route 47 for 11 miles.
Turn left on Russia Road. (Second road past State Route 66)
The School is located directly behind the church in the center of town
Mission Statement
It is the responsibility of the Russia Schools to ensure that students will be provided a safe, challenging educational environment conducive to the development of life-long learners and responsible citizens.
Belief Statements
The education of every child is a shared responsibility among parents/guardians, the school, the community and the individual student.
Every student has the right to an equal educational opportunity.
Every student will be encouraged and expected to learn to his/her highest potential.
Teachers must encourage every student to take an active role in her/his educational experience.
The Russia School must teach the skills necessary for the individual pursuit of knowledge and foster a desire for lifelong learning.
Students are responsible for their own actions.
Appropriate behavior must be taught in the home and will be modeled and upheld by the school.
The Russia School must provide a clean and safe environment with appropriate facilities and materials for learning.
Technology should be an integral part of all education as a critical learning tool.
The Russia School staff will stay abreast with current trends in their respective field.